Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Would I move?

So, I had this conversation the other day with person who works for a website that I frequent.

I'd like to think that I have a fairly good online "relationship" with this company, and I love the stuff that they do and the customer service that they offer. I've not only purchased many things from them over the past few years, but I've also gotten a nice amount of positive and critical feedback from the community at large. Heck, I've even joked with my wife that I might actually really enjoy working for them. Here's the thing though, I'd have to move in order to work for them.

Now, I have to say, that I really, really don't like the way my current retail job is going. Oh sure, it pays the bill and the health insurance is bar none absolutely great, it's just that I hate every minute of it. The customers can go from some of the politest people in the world to absolutely nasty jerks who will make it a point to make you feel absolutely miserable. Heck, I remember one time where this guy I was helping just sat there for several minutes balling me out on what a stupid, wretched person until he could see that I was on the verge of tears. (In fact, I did have a manager step in and get me out so I could regain a bit of composure.) Point is, I don't like how it goes there, some of the people I work with are great and I wouldn't mind hanging with them after work, but that doesn't make me feel compelled to stay there. So naturally, I've been on a job search of late.

It was never my plan to stay at my current job forever. I have an English lit degree, and I think it would be great to teach some day at a private school. However, I keep reweighing my options on that. Do I really want to give my time and energy into an industry that, of late, seems to facilitate a hateful attitude to the most basic and intrinsic of my values? Already, as I was going throught the teaching program at my college, it felt as if the whole attitude that pervaded the teaching department was narcassim and cynicism. "If only everyone in the world thought like me, the world would be a better place," and such. And by golly woe be unto those who disagree.

Anyways, school stuff is likely another post entirely. The point I was trying to get at was, would I move? I don't know honestly. If I were blessed and able to get a job at the company in question, it would mean leaving my family, friends, and church behind in favor of the opportunity. My wife and I could sure use this blessing after years of dealing with jobs that don't use our training and my own on going medical issues (that's for another post or two as well). But will what I gain be better than what I leave behind? Will it be worth the initial heartache that I will get to start with? I wish that I knew the future, or at least what it would hold for me if I were to go with either option. Not saying that the job would be a sure thing though. But, it does leave me wondering something. Would I move away from all that is comfortable right now to improve my life?

Part of what keeps me sane right now is the support I get from family, friends, and church. A move for any job would mean leaving that all behind for a world of uncertainties. Am I ready to do that? I don't know yet. I keep thinking about it, but definetly need to spend more time in prayer as well. I hope God let's me know where to go in the future, because I sure as heck don't trust myself to make this call.

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