Thursday, April 30, 2015

Junk Journal Official Update #2: Already Thinking of a Sequel.

As I rewrite the intro to the Junk Journals, I've come to this realization:  I have enough material for a sequel.

Sure, there are still some scraps here and there in my apartment for me to deal with, but even that is getting smaller and smaller with each passing week.  This is very good thing in my mind.  However, even as I get the chapters for the Junk Journals organized in a cohesive fashion, think of catchy titles for the chapters, and develop unifying themes--something has been tickling the back of my brain.

I have 15 to 20 boxes of stuff in my parents' basement that I have yet to go through in the 20 years that have passed since my family moved to Colorado.

Now, this is not to say that I have not looked through it all in the past couple of decades.  Nor is this to say that I don't care about the contents that lie within each of those boxes.  What I am saying though is that I should really go through all that junk if I want to not only decrease my parents burden of storing stuff, but also to help my own future burden of having to sort through all that junk in a few years when it becomes even more difficult to get around as my daughter grows up.  (Not that having this adorable kid is a bad thing, just I can't be shuffing her off on my folks/her grandparents all the time, especially not as they get older and my kid gets more active.  But I digress.)

Something else that I have come to realize about the future sequel (and there WILL be sequel, I have too much to get rid of for there not to be) is that the second part encompasses my childhood and has the potential to be ten times harder than the junk I've gone through for the first book.  College papers, abandoned projects, and desk-toy knick-knacks are one thing, but trying to decide what to do with action figures from my childhood?  Choose-Your-Own-Adventures with dog-eared pages leading you down the "best" possible path?  Comic books?  Yesh!  Best to hide under the bed and let it sort itself out!

At least, I wish I could do that.  The way it looks though, I have a monumental task before me in the future with this likely Junk Journal sequel.

In the mean time, I've got organizing to do, intros to write, and Gilder to frame for it.

I'm swamped!

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