Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Over-thinking the Issue of Sickness

So, I have a shot at a job that I would really like which would provide some cash as well as exposure to a potential new community of readers.  Good stuff happening, I am energized and rarin' to go as they say--whoever they are.  Only one problem.  My gut aches, my nose has a drip like a broken faucet, and I feel generally awful health-wise at a time when I need to be on my "A Game."

Life has challenges, and I've had my share, and the old man down the street's share, and maybe a couple of people from another country who I've never met share.  Not complaining, just saying my past health issues caused more stumbling blocks in my life than I would have thought possible.  Even though I am approaching my 5 year anniversary for my liver transplant, I still get knots in my stomach any time I feel a headache coming on.  Why?  Because truth be told, I am impatient to get where I want to be in life and getting sick in the past has caused everything (up until a year and a half ago when my daughter was born) to slow up.  I had learned many lessons on patience, waiting, and being still when I least wanted to.  The thing is, now that I've had a taste for what it is like to live life without the brakes getting thrown on all the time due to sickness, I have started to become impatient in ways that I thought I had learned otherwise.  I guess the learning never stops, eh?

I really want to be done with being sick, like, forever.  Sometimes it's hard to have proper perspective when I come down with something.  I want to keep pushing myself.  I want to take advantage of every second that some illness doesn't have me flat on my back.  Even if it would be in my best interests to lie down for a bit.  Sometimes I even plot out my week if I feel a cold coming on and just how far I can push myself before I totally crash.

I've begun to over think what I'm going to do when I get sick.  I honestly don't know whether this is a good thing or not.  

On the one hand, it gives me slight advantages for the times that I do get sick.  I can implement a plan as soon as that first tissue hits my nose.  I know how much I can dose myself up with supplements that will make my body fight the cold that much better while not totally gut-bombing myself with vitamins.  (Although that did happen early on).

On the other hand, I don't take the time to rest that my body needs, so I have a lingering cold or aches when I might have otherwise finished up with said cold.  It's a back and forth debate for me every time, just how can I push my body to keep going when a nap or hot shower would do a world of good?  

I probably should wrap this up.  It's nearly 2am where I am, and I have to be up in a few hours.  I still feel sick.  I wish I could take a break and had the luxury of lounging.  Sickness means lost time though, and I feel like I've had enough of that already.  Maybe I need to dwell on sickness a little less though.  Back off the plans and the contingencies.  Slow up the pounding back of vitamins and Airborne when I feel something coming on.  

Or maybe I just need to stop talking about how being sick affects me and get back to work.

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